The world of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can be confusing and isolating. I provide services designed to help navigate through the system and to help find creative and effective ways to support children and young people to achieve their potential and live fulfilling lives. Part of this is an holistic approach including providing peer support to parent carers.
I can offer support directly to parent carers and/or their young people, as well as via schools and settings.
All information and advice is based on the legal framework of the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Equality Act 2010.
There is a lot in the media at the moment about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and it is important to note that there have been no legislation changes. The SEND Regulations and SEND Code of Practice 2015 are still in effect as is the Children and Families Act.
Following the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) review published in March 2022, the SEND Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan has been released. The aim of the SEND and AP Improvement Plan is to deliver a better experience for children and young people with SEND and to restore families’ confidence in the system. Children and young people continue to have the same legal rights but there is recognition that the current ways of working lead to vast discrepancies so this is supposed to offer more equality.
SEND Navigation
Legally based information and advice, including helping submit applications for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments, along with all parts of the statutory process.
£50 per hour
Peer Support
Support via phone, online conversations and email to unpick the issues and find effective ways of achieving the best possible outcomes. This is a 'lighter touch' form of support designed to help you explore options and clarify what is required.
£30 per hour
I am happy to attend meetings with schools, Local Authorities and Mediators. Where attendance is requested in person I will discuss with you any additional travel costs before agreeing with you whether virtual or actual attendance is best.
£50 per hour
Other sources of Support for you
All Local Authorities are required to provide free impartial legally based information advice and support via a SENDIAS Service. For your local one visit the Council For Disabled Children's webpage
Parent Carer Forums are an invaluable source of peer support as well being strategic partners with Local Authorities and Integrated Care Boards and other partners to ensure that parent carers are part of true co-production of services. For your local one visist Contact's webpage
IPSEA is a charity that provides free legal guides, resources and helplines for families of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The Local Offer is a statutory obligation that Local Authorities must provide. It should show support available in the local area and can be found on your Council's website.